Clonex Rooting Hormone 50ml
Clonex Rooting Hormone 50ml is a truly iconic product, born out of Growth Technologies own experiences as volume propagators way back in the eighties. It was their idea to use a gel base for the rooting hormones and the development of that idea that lead directly to Clonex.
It was, as far as they could tell, the first such gel on the market – anywhere. It is now the market leader on three continents and has a huge, and deservedly loyal, client base.
The famous rooting gel – suitable for most plant species and most types of propagation.
- For use on freshly taken cuttings
- Significantly increases the success rate of rooted cuttings
- Reduces the time it takes for a clone to begin rooting
- Contains a rooting hormone to encourage roots to form
- Anti-fungal agent helps ward off stem-rot
- Provides a little nutrient and trace elements for strong root development
- Can be used with any type of rooting-plug