GAS CarboAir 60 Filter
The CarboAir Pro 60 Filter is the professional range of filters. This range of filters are designed to be used in environments prone to higher concentrations of volatile organic compounds. The 60mm bed provides a longer contact time between the virgin activated carbon and the grow room’s air. The filter’s mesh exterior provides evenly distributed carbon air exposure, while the tunnel-shaped design maximises airflow and reduces pressure on the fan.
The CarboAir Pro 60 has been designed to work perfectly with high power fans including the Systemair Revolution range.
Why buy?
Top Tip: Perfectly matched with the Revolution Silenced V2 fan, creating a quiet, odour free ventilation system.
Technical Info
• CarboAir Pro 60 150 x 660 - Max air flow 1350m3/h
• CarboAir Pro 60 200 x 660 - Max air flow 1700m3/h
• CarboAir Pro 60 200 x 1000 - Max air flow 2250m3/h
• CarboAir Pro 60 250 x 660 - Max air flow 2000m3/h
• CarboAir Pro 60 250 x 1000 - Max air flow 3100m3/h
• CarboAir Pro 60 315 x 660 Max air flow 2450m3/h
• CarboAir Pro 60 315 x 1000 - Max air flow 3600m3/h