Plagron – Cocos A&B is a highly concentrated mineral basic plant nutrition for use during the plant’s growth and flowering phase. This liquid fertiliser is easy to use and contains a balanced mix of nutrients for optimum results. Plagron – Cocos A&B was developed especially for cultivation in all kinds of buffered coconut substrates and are universally applicable.
The advantages of Cocos A & Cocos B
Easily absorbable nutrients over a wide pH range.
No crystallisation in nutrient tank.
Balanced fertiliser for healthy and green plants.
Dosage and use:
Add a maximum of 4 ml Cocos A per 1 litre of water (1:250). With every application of Cocos A use the same quantity of Cocos B. Use this combined solution each time the plants are irrigated.
Cocos A
NPK (4-0-1)
Calcium (Ca): 4,5%
Cocos B
NPK (1-4-2)
MgO: 2%